Wednesday, January 24, 2007

S0me more points t0 p0nder...

Hey Nehal,

I appreciate your comment on my post about suicides..(read bel0w)
It's a well thought 0ver, rather emotinal response. The points you have made: like suicide being a personal decisi0n, the absurdity which seems t0 y0u in it been labelled a 'crime' d0 n0t appear ill0gical on the surface..

But let me tell you one thing, when I interviewed Ms Anju Sheth of SAATH in 2004, the 0ne p0int she repeated frequently was that a maj0rity of suicide cases are a sheer act of impluse.. there's this crucial period less than half an hour t0 ten minutes when the person l0ses all h0pes, sinks int0 depression and gives up 0n life rand0mly, on impluse...

Can y0u then, justify these m0ments as th0se of astute decision making?? I think not...

Further, she went 0n to say that it is in this crucial period that he/she needs help.. A simple talk, a phonecall, just about anything that takes his mind away from the depressing thoughts can make him pull along...

I would be the last person to take a judgemental stand and say pe0ple wh0 c0mmit suicides are c0wards... H0wever, at the same time, I firmly believe that suicides are not a decent way 0f paying a tribute t0 the life we have g0t...And last of all, t0 call a justifiable decision, however pers0nal it might be...

I w0uld feel bad f0r th0se wh0 take the drastic step 0nly because 0f the extent 0f life they readily all0wed t0 g0 waste on mere assumpti0ns...

It is perhaps through writing and speaking more ab0ut such things that we can do our bid: to let s0me ann0nym0us people kn0w, as i put it, that n0thing is never the end.. and that s00ner or later, life really rules...

Keep writing, keep reading and yes! keep living!!! in the true sense 0f the w0rd :)

PS pl bear with the '0's, the key is giving me trouble...

1 comment:

Malay Maniar said...

I agree with you on the point that suicide isn't justified for even an iota. And yes, there may be a crucial period when a person committing suicide may need help and save himself. However, I believe it's short-sightedness, or rather, a band-aid remedy. The trouble is, people aren't brought up to face life so well. Life can be bed of thorns, yes, but it's our own persona that thinks of it as "no hope" or "I can do it". Stop bubble-wrapping, let the child be burnt once (referring to an adage of course), make watching "braveheart" compulsary at school level (you get the idea), and for heavens sake, draw a line between empathy and sympathy. This is a sure-shot way to win over any of life's battles - Bring up kids on a diet of only empathy, no sympathy, and see them grow into people who will not meek out anytime. I'd like to ask Saath to actually go and conduct a survey into families with suicide history and evaluate the way kids are brought up there. Let's see if it vindicates my belief. And yes, I still do believe, suicide is cowardness. One may sugar coat it by saying "no one knows the circumstance" and all, but the naked truth is, its meeking out. I know it doesn't sound popular, but it's the damn truth.