Sunday, May 18, 2008


I don't really appreciate words that seem to be stretched for the heck of it. Incommunicado is one such. But doesn't it make for some whacky title of a post? :D

I am off to a place where there would be no mobile and no electricity to charge the dumb thing even if I take the instrument along. Wow!

The prospect sounds good, but been really long since I have been really alone. Not sure of the venture, not prepared in the least, but I know I must go.

So then, the earliest I will be back here is 27th.

Cya then,

(O, also check Sailu's blog where she's has put up this small poem which all of you have ignored till now. Accompanied by a small little painting I did to go with it. If you are not into poems, you can always try her lip-smacking recipes)


dharmabum said...

hope you come back with interesting stories...

Sincerae said...

Have great trip! I will try to start leaving comments:)

phish said...

hmmm. i wonder where you are going and why you didn't tag some of us along.

i hope you have a lovely time.

Unknown said...

you go for a prospect 10 days away?